Saturday, December 4, 2010

More Transparents

Disney Maniac (AYDCN) Made This FAB-U-LOS Can't Be Tamed Cover

Wow - She Has Gone Bad , Who Is She Lookin' at?????

Has Our Sweet Hannah Montana Gone Bad?

She Is Growing Up but sadly we are all going to miss that gal who sings songs like "The Best of Both Worlds" But Now "Can't Be Tamed" or "Who Owns My Heart"

AYDCN Closing Craze:

Blogger Matt or TommyTE said...

Okay listen up you old doorknob. Hand ME over the blog and you won't let your fans down. You know you don't want to let them down. So give ME the blog and then forget about, kay, kay.
December 2, 2010 11:17 AM

Blogger disneymaniac said...

no one is gonna take over my blog because whoever does is just going to fail at it, especially a brat like you "matt or tommy"

This Is From The Blog Comments To This Post On AYDCN

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I think the time has come that i decided to leave my blogging life and close down the site. The honest truth is that I have been far too busy developing my own life and future. It's my senior year and I sure have been busy! I've been working on my college applications, essays, homework and projects so that's the reason i stopped updating DCN.
This isn't an official "closing" but it might be a little because I'm too busy now a days to update.
I most likely update the blog if something big is released but I'm sorry to say that the site is basically done with, but two and a half years was a good run for DCN and I'm thankful for everyone who visited often :)